Women in Spine Luncheons and Symposia
Participate in these special luncheons and symposia, led by women who are leaders in spine, to help change current ideals to promote and encourage women going into spine surgery. Sessions include:
Education, Practice, and Leadership Explore the importance of diversity and inclusion in professional societies, with a focus on empowering women in spine care, research, and teaching. Hear from esteemed women leaders in the field as they share their experiences in education, training, practice, and leadership within NASS and help create a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization. Hosted by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Breaking Barriers and Building Community This session will address the underrepresentation of women in spine surgery. Discover strategies to change existing norms and foster inclusivity in the field. Gain valuable insights into the fellowship process and learn effective interview techniques. Educate yourself on current data and techniques to enhance your practice and support the growth of women in spine surgery.